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International Princess Day

International Women's Day celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women, This is a day late, but just like V-Day you should appreciate your favourite girl's everyday.

So this is an ode to the women in my world who add so much color and clarity into my life. These girls are incredible and I am sure you will have your own set (irrelevant of the number included) who do the same thing for you.

I am incredibly lucky with my lot and they can be identified by the whatsapp groups we use to chit-chat on the daily.

There are my oldest standing princesses: I have known these forever, even from back when I was a naughty little madam a 1000 years ago who spent all her time with an ex and almost never came out to play. (I learnt very early on never to do that again - you should ALWAYS have hoes and bros in a balanced proportion, it really is the only way to live) They were still there when things inevitably went south and we will always be tight (and go out and get ridiculously loose) no matter what.

Numero Uno for Shenanigans. See you this saturday poppets <3

Then there are the squad princesses. They are all blonde and totally amazing and shiny. They will always be up for a holiday or a day or night out and are a powerful little group of sparkly bosses.

And because I have double booked I will see you this saturday as well <3

And then there is the LDN princesses. They are hella sassy and totally switched on. Nothing gets past these girls. Nuthin.

There are the women who even though we talk every few days, each week - sh!t good, bad or sassy is covered and dealt with.

Between them they could actually take over and run the entire world. I would just show up (late) take photos and write something about it. Throw in some place I have seen on twitter or the gram that I think we need to check out for recreational purposes (and hand out hugs to anyone who looks like they need one)

But these girls though. They organise, they assess, they plan, achieve and Smash.Sh!t.Up. In the best way. They are ALL in committed exclusive relationships, but they always have time for their friends. As you get older your friendships deepen as you all transition from being kids, to twenty somethings, to sh!t are we nearly 30?. Whilst its true that men come and go and friends are always there - this isn't a post about hating on guys.

Guys are awesome. They are sexy and cute and practical and sometimes even loving and adorable. I mean as mentioned I have been single for four years so I am pretty sorted without one, but I absolutely love men (Not all of them are perfect but neither are all women) A fairly recent convo with the girls threw up the question:

- List ten things that a guy can do for you than you can't do for yourself that DON'T involve sex?

How cute are men?

This list soon had to be cut to 5 things as its way hard. If you can think of ten let me know. Please actually message me and tell me because it still bugs me now.

So the things I came up with were:

1) Finding the right light bulb. I once went to halfords 3 times. Brought 3 different light bulbs and none of them fit the fudging spot-light that had blown in the kitchen counter. And yes I had asked someone in the shop but I couldnt do it. In the end I admitted defeat and rang my step-dad. He got it in one go. Now as a woman you may read this and think, what a ninny I could find it!

Well maybe you could. But I know by now (and am very comfortable with) my limits. My strengths and talents lie in other areas that do not involve tiny rachet lightbulb forgaging.

2) Getting rid of spiders. I am ashamed to say that the last time I found one in the bath I lobbed the argos catalogue at it. I just cannot trust things with more than 4 legs. #SorrySpidey.

3) Lifting heavy stuff. I am fairly proud of how strong I am for a short little madam. But some things are REALLY HEAVY and whilst I can almost always lift them (I'm talking moving sofas/wardrobes) Men are usually taller and better at this. (you can tell I am reaching already right?)

4 - Parallel parking. (I can do this but only when no other cars are around and I can just drive right into the space)

5 - Pick up dog poo? I am clutching at straws. Obviously I have picked up Tallulah's poops before (dont ask my mamma she lies) I just dont like it.

But the point of this one was the girls. I call these amazing ladies princesses because to me they are just so special. These feisty, beautiful, independant, sassy young women who have all bust out into the world so hungry to do well. They do not let their partners define or detract from who they are - they allow these men to add to their lives and they support and motivate these dudes that they have chosen to build their empires with.

I had always been really anti-relationships and marriage in the past. I wont go long-haul into why, but lets just say I was raised by 5 women, and over and over again I saw it go so fantastically and dramatically wrong, that I just thought why the fudge would you? But my princesses have shown me that it can work. If you hold out, stop being afraid to take chances just incase you get hurt, if you keep your heels fly and yours standards high - it can be okay. And if it goes wrong? Guess what - I Got You.

There is another episode of SATC that always sticks in my head. At this point the whole squad of them is single and Carrie muses that actually perhaps they are each other soul-mates. That maybe the guys in there lives will just contribute to the whole picture and not be the main event. Whilst I think there is an element of truth in this (it's all about that balance I mentioned earlier) I love the concept. That your girls will be the ones you coo over certain things with, the ones you call when you need talking round or calming down and sending back to your bloke with a big cuddle and some kinds words. The ones you escape with for those naughty weekends away where you can just be 100% free (and not care about football for anything other watching fit men run around) Not mind what you say when it comes to girl-talk etc. So I guess my point is just that I just super appreciate my bubs.

When I started dating this bunch of baes had been there and done it: Hoe-fazes, 10 date rules, friendzoning, ghosting, blocking, fcukboys, sexting - you name it - they had it covered. Between them there was nothing that couldnt be answered or resolved and the past 9 months I've had hella questions in the group chats. Time and time again they saved me from doing something I didn't need to, or even just wording something in the wrong way. Dont get me wrong, sometimes I would just hit send regardless of the good advice not to. And they have had to put up with a stream of texts, screen-shots and date snaps. And no matter what when I fudged up, or even got my heart bruised - they were all there. Gin, cuddles, memes and "Fcuk him he ain't sh!t" at the ready.

So princesses. Thank you for being the sh!t. And Just FYI, you know I am dating more to learn about what I do and dont want in guys, and see what is around. (If I met someone amazing then I would see where it went - but in my head I think i will still have a good few years of playing yet) So uh, expect more screen-shots. and late night texties and questions from tinders. Soz in advance.

P.s I totally rate you all for life. You know I will be down in the danger end when the babies come, in a sparkly apron with leopard-print rubber-gloves on ready to catch it. And you know that I will be there at the weddings crying my eyes out cos you all look so pretty (and stopping your running away if your freak out about never getting a different D again)

And when our hubbys are in heaven (it's just a classic fact men dont last as long) I will come catch you in my pink two-seater-mobility-scooter and take you down the local cafe to check out the hot builders over the road. (we will retire in some hot country full of sexy young thangs for sure)


And of course I'll be about for every moment in between. Except from when I am next having sex. And there will then be (hopefully hours and hours) where I am temporarily otherwise engaged in this vital activity.

And to the three other people who have seen this via instagram and are also blogging about dating - if you ever wanna convo, hit me up. Especially if you are feeling a bit lost. I will gladly listen to whatever it is you dealing with. Even if you are #AskingForAFriend

All the love



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